Southland Wiki

Southland opening credits image sequence is a simple slideshow of ten sepia photos of real life criminal-related events (Richard Ramirez aka "The Night Stalker"[1] and one of his crime scenes, a night photo of one of "The Black Dahlia" crime scenes,...) that happened in the city of Los Angeles. In its simplicity, it manages to convey the reality in all its rawness as featured in this show.

Southland opening credits roll through the screen to the rhythm of the instrumental version of this beautiful theme from the Portuguese musician, songwriter and singer Dulce Ponte[2].

Canção do Mar

Fui bailar no meu batel
Além no mar cruel
E o mar bramindo
Diz que eu fui roubar
A luz sem par
Do teu olhar tão lindo
Vem saber se o mar terá razão
Vem cá ver bailar meu coração
Se eu bailar no meu batel
Não vou ao mar cruel
E nem lhe digo aonde eu fui cantar
Sorrir, bailar, viver, sonhar… contigo

Song of The Sea

I was going to dance on my little boat
There in the cruel sea
And the sea was roaring to me
Telling me that I should steal
The incomparable light
Of your beautiful eyes
Come and prove the sea right
Come here and see my heart dancing
If I go dancing on my little boat
I won't go to the cruel sea
Nor will I tell where I went to
Smile, dance, live, dream… with you

