Southland Wiki
Nate Moretta
Nate Moretta
Basic Facts
Age 34, Deceased
Occupation Police Detective
Rank Detective II
Division Gang and Narcotics Division
Spouse Mariella Moretta (wife)
Family Mercedes Moretta (Daughter)

Pete Moretta (Son)
Unnamed newborn daughter

Friends Sammy Bryant (Partner)
Portrayed By
Kevin Alejandro

Nate Moretta was a Detective with the Los Angeles Police Department's Gang and Narcotics Division. He was also Detective Sammy Bryant's partner and best friend. He is of Mexican Descent. After enlisting in the US Army, he found his then girlfriend was pregnant with Mercedes Moretta. Due to his age and belief he couldn't adequately take care of her, she was put up for adoption. Because his parents didn't want their first grandchild to be raised by a stranger, they raised her themselves. To conceal her father's true identity, she was told Nate was her older brother. He was beaten to death by gang members in the Season 3 episode 'Code 4'
